Tuesday 30 June 2009

Who Are You, Who Who, Who Who.

Ok got some letters of complaint that i've never posted until now that is, the rosta of Gravity.

So here it is, it's not the full line up as a few new faces to the team haven't decided their nick names. I have also ommitted people that I havent heard from in eons. Will update when I hear anything new, and the main roles are first.

Clyde - Tea Boy, Founder, Programming and Graphics
ko0x - Music and Graphics.
Saga - Music.

Monday 22 June 2009


Hurrah Murray An Update At Long Last!

Gravity have since the last release of our intro "Zenon", been creating new routines and libs, and myself have been learning new ways of doing things in code, which are comming along pretty nicely for inclusion in productions sometime later this year.

The team has also grown a tad since then too, with some new faces who have yet to decide upon a suitable handle. Oh and we still need people for the graphics sides of things.

Hope Im still making sense with typing in realtime, and hope your having a great summer vacation.

All the very best and take it easy,
Clyde :)