Wednesday 30 December 2009

Merry And Happy

Hope you had a Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Years too!

Friday 9 October 2009

Industrial Disease

Hello There Friends And Fans! :)

A small snippet of an update for your curiosity and it's been a bloody long time since I appeared in the Dashboard to update this thang.

I have developed a form of Escma on my hands called, Pompholyx:

So am finding it fiendishly hard to do much due to the numbness and shooting pains, and the oinkment doesnt help much either.

Gravity is also getting a kick up the rump, and will be putting on thinking caps for the new dbf interactive Halloween '09 Comp, plus concentrating on a new production.

All ze very beast,

Monday 13 July 2009

All Is Not Lost

Had to re-install the OS yesterday for about the 7th time in 4 months.
Have now got it sussed, me thinks.

What the problem is is that Vista wants to be boss when dual booting, so say you hsve initially installed XP and its details say it's on your C: drive, well this gets switched when you put on M$ W. Vista.

So this time instead of partioning and formatting with the XP install options, all I now did was to partion it for solely XP, and leaving half my HD as unpartioned space until it was time to bung on Vista and opt for a custom install, so it goes onto the empty space and the rest was done for me. Now the vista bootloader saves and recognizes the fact i've an earlier version of Windows on it, so I dont require the aid of Easy BCD other than to change the default OS and the names to protect the inoccent.

Which means that the programming I've done over the past month or so, isn't lost, as Vista has another type of burning CD Roms. And luckily everythings back! Thanks Arnie.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Who Are You, Who Who, Who Who.

Ok got some letters of complaint that i've never posted until now that is, the rosta of Gravity.

So here it is, it's not the full line up as a few new faces to the team haven't decided their nick names. I have also ommitted people that I havent heard from in eons. Will update when I hear anything new, and the main roles are first.

Clyde - Tea Boy, Founder, Programming and Graphics
ko0x - Music and Graphics.
Saga - Music.

Monday 22 June 2009


Hurrah Murray An Update At Long Last!

Gravity have since the last release of our intro "Zenon", been creating new routines and libs, and myself have been learning new ways of doing things in code, which are comming along pretty nicely for inclusion in productions sometime later this year.

The team has also grown a tad since then too, with some new faces who have yet to decide upon a suitable handle. Oh and we still need people for the graphics sides of things.

Hope Im still making sense with typing in realtime, and hope your having a great summer vacation.

All the very best and take it easy,
Clyde :)

Saturday 18 April 2009

Under Zee Weather

Very short and to the point for this entry.

Have forgotten to take part of my back tablets, and feel not quite compesmentis. One area you can tell this, is by some of my recent spelling on the forums.

On a slightly brighter note for any people who like what Gravity are upto.
On the spur of the moment yesterday decided to get the crew together and bring out a little something, details very scarse as i've not even started on planning the contents.

It might be aas I refer to them as recruitros, to people who dont like names of things that havent been invented by who ever decideds what is politically correct in the demo scene, they're an Adtro for new members. Even though we are desperate for a quality graphics member, it'll more than likely be an intro.

Friday 20 March 2009

Everything Sucks Big Time

A bit of a dee pressing update this as every thing I have tried to do beit, Cee Pee Pee wize, real life wize, setting up a wireless network wize have all ended in complete and utterly butterly failure.

Friday 13 March 2009

Break Down

A short update,

After looking at the breakpoint '09 site on untergrund, it looks as if there's no category for PC Intro. :(

Unless they have other competition categories at the actual event.

All they have listed under PC is: 4k Intro, 64k Intro and PC Demo.

I am lacking in knowledge of even tackling a traditional asm ( assembler ) tiny prod as thats what I think they need to be for those categories. I dont think that a 64k Freebasic production would be allowed. And Gravity hasn't really the time to make a full out Demo for BP09 at least.

However fiddling with me coding sticks, I am slowly but shirley putting together a new release in the form of probably another Intro.

Gravity were going to put out a production before Winter '08, but technicallities with our real live's had prevented it being completed, however it will be remixed and all that jazz for sometime this side of 2009.

Hmmm, what should of been a short one, has turned into a bit more of an update, hehe :)

Take it easy,

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Up My Sleeves

I may have installed the main program parts of Visual Studio C++ Express 2008 With SP1 / 9.0. This however does not mark the end of FreeBASIC development & production. I will do bits with it over the course of the year, as like I say I don't want to drop FB releases.

I am going to have to get used to sticking semi colons on the end of every line which annoys the tits off me, but I will have to get accustomed to it. Hope it doesn't find it's way into my texting. And braces to mark the; beginning and end of code and loops. I guess C++ is a little bit thick at; deciding the start and end;
I shall carry on the tradition of using Pixel Toaster the replacement to; TinyPTC as it's what I know more about from my FB dabbling, obviously; some stuff has changed and different from FreeBASIC traditions and I; will need to be using Floating Pixels;

Well toes crossed and wishing myself luck;

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Breaking News

Today sees the beginning of developing an entry for Break Point '09 - now that everything is under control ;)

This will mark a first for myself and the Gravity team, as we've not taken part in anything quite like this before., and it's quite a big event. I will not be attending in person, as I'll be at home making the tea for when Saga And Ko0x get back.

We're not aiming our spirits for too high ( I never have done to be honest ), and its the taking part that counts, as my Grandmother always told me. This'll be fun as any hobby should be.

Now where's this tea.
Oi, Pigeon get your filthy mits off..

Thursday 26 February 2009

Friday 20 February 2009

Momentary Lapse Of Reason

For my adoring fans and my imaginary friend here are a few things that I've been upto at this moment in time. A few things you probably wouldn't know unless you were sitting next to me, or had the talent of tapping into peoples brain waves.

• Making Tea.
• Coding some bitmap conversion routines.

• Planning and discussing a release for Break Point '09. Hopefully it'll be finished in time 0_o

• Getting Headaches from annoying bugs.

• Has discovered that by pressing ALT + 0149 on the number pad makes round bullet points!!

• Chasing away the pigeons from my thing that's above the front door. No not a porch, you know one of them things, that I can't think of the name right now kind of things.

• Writting up a few Tutorials for DBF Interactive site.
• Is making even more Tea.
• Converting old routines into one dimensional arrays. A few hiccups :(
• Heavily addicted to the FaceBook version of Mafia Wars.

• Looking for talented individuals to enroll as GVY members to create stunning graphics for useage in Demos and Intros.

• Producing an example of using music syncing via the newly developed wrappers for the Farbrausch V2 Soft Synth in FreeBASIC. Provided sample detection is possible rather than volumes to guesstimate like in Blitz.

• Has a number of unfinished releases to spruce up and make ready for injecting out into the realms of graphics demo delights.

• Is getting abit carried away with this list. What you mean a bit ;)

Im sure keeping myself busy by the looks of things.
I really should get out more. "TAXI!!!!!"

Until next time on the Muppet Show,
See you then Ron.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

History Lesson Fart One

Here's a tad more about myself and how I got into computing, and creating demos and intros.

The Early Years - 1980's or there abouts
My very first 8-Bit computer was a Commodore 64, that I got for Christmas at the age of 8.

With this machine alot of cool games were on offer, and they got better and better as time moved on. A friend of my step Dad's was into computing as a proffession, and he showed me how to use the famous print command and loop of:

10 Print"My Name Is Clyde ;) ";
20 Goto 10

This then made me interested in learning some basic programming from, the Commodore 64 users manual ( Anyone remember the Balloon!? ), the Commodore 64 Reference Guide. Later on I bought the Step By Step Programming series of books for the C64. And there were some cool magazines around as well.

I have used other machines including, ZX Spectrums ( Good old Rubber keys! ), Amstrad CPC464 / CPC4128, and the BBC Model B, BBC Achamedize. I've dabbled on these platforms mostly as some of my friends had got stuck with entering code listings out of books and mags. Silly & simple little mistakes like using a capital O instead of the number 0; and commas where there should be fullstops. ( Reminds me of an Extreme song )

I did do, what everybody first thinks when they hear the word computer, and that would be playing games! I love these software houses mostly, System 3 and Thalamus, mostly as they made games that were not quite the norm and original, the likes of: The Last Ninja series, Vendetta, Myth, Tusker, Turbo Charge, Hawk Eye ( By The Boys Without Brains ), Retrograde, Cyberdyne Warrior, and then my favourite of them all because of it's inventiveness and excellent use of skills from Apex; and the their game that inspired me "Creatures"

And it's these Apex games, that also got me hooked into doing graphics; Sprites And Character sets. I later learnt a bit more coding to bring my creations to live, as my brother was a bit busy with his other coding interests.

Not only did I play games, but after reading a magazine, I noticed a Public Domain company called "17 Bit PD" ( later to form a great group that started out on the C64s cousin the Amiga, Team 17 ) with thingies called Demos listed which I'd never heard of before. Which after curiously ordering some C64 titles, and only paying the post & packaging and a small cost for the disk - which was the norm. I was instantly hooked.

Hadn't a clue how they were done, some of the effects are just mind boggling and done with only 64k. O and not to forget about the clever bits with SID using samples, and VIC by displaying graphics with more colours than was supposedly possible. A few of my favourites are Wonderland 9 by Censor Design, and Dutch Breeze by Black Mail. And the works by Smash Design are amazing, better known for their stunning trackmos.

I then moved to a place called Hillingdon, and lived next door to a dude about ten years younger than myself. I got to know him and his family quite well and baby sat for them most weekends for a tenner which wasnt bad.

And low and behold they owned an Amiga A500+, which I spent most of the time playing games, and watching demos on, than actual baby sitting. I think I coughed up more money on stuff for their comp than they did.

I got to know about AMOS ( never tried it ), and Blitz Basic 2 ( which there was a few goodies on including source code that I couldnt work out, and some games on, one in particular called Skid Marks, made with BB2. These I found on the countless Amiga Diskettes from magazines I'd keep buying.

Then after a few years, moved to La Linea in Spain ( opposite Gibraltar ) for 2 years. Came back to Blighty, and gave proper computing a 10 year break. As I was attracted to Sega Consoles, which I blew alot of money on.

1990's - I think!?
End of the 90's, was now working as a fully trained Chef, and managed to get my brother to build me a PC from my own spec. Dont know how much cheaper it was, but it was my very first PC.

I went shopping in PC World for some memory upgrades, and noticed a familiar title from way back then, Blitz Basic 2D, which I couldnt believe my eyes, and was for the PC. Cool, took it home looked over some examples, had a bash with it to make my graphics do something interesting. I was them ok at Logos and Fonts, which impressed somebody you may well and know. That is, if you are a follower in Blitz circles. I call them the Blitz Coder years.

There was an post on BC by two dudes who had just started a new team, and not the norm stuff of games, but very original concept of a demo group, asking for someone who might be interested in doing graphics for them. So, not expecting much, contacted one of the coders ( wait for it ) Shockwave, and he showed some of my efforts to Parabellum. And I was then aboard Dark Bit Factory.

The very first intro that was made by Shockie on the IDE, a musican friend of mine Fash, and myself doing gfx, was the release "The Blurr Intro". Which featured a copper split 3D Cube all done in 2D and No 3D commands. Which was DBF's slogan, and became famous for in the Basic coding circles. One of their classic moments was a release from Parabellum, intitled "NO-3D". See if you can hunt it down, its a true gem of theirs. Fun times where had.

Later I then formed my own group called Gravity. I will explain who we are in another installment.

For the mean time you can find at most of our works. You will have to navigate to the Showcase area by selecting the Forum banner and then from their scroll down and you'll see the showcase section ( Join too, its a fun place ).

There are productions in Intros, Demos and tiny prods. The tiny prods are made by a very clever fellow GVY member, Rbraz or Rbz as he's now known. Plus some of my early solo efforts as Clyde Design which are mostly put together with Blitz Basic.

I am no programming God or Brains Of Britian in the maths department - even though I do battle them myself, but I enjoy trying and creating them as a fun hobby and with some amazing friends that I've had the privelidge of working with and for.

Granted over time I've looked back on many of the things ive done, and some are pretty crap with a neat tune that most people like, or some are just pretty! :D Some you win some you lose thats life im afraid.

Until Next Time Doooie!
( Whats that from!?)

Monday 2 February 2009

Clyde Has Joined The World Of Blogging.

Well, Well, Well!

What do we have here then?

Short answer: Clyde ( that would be me I guess ) has just out of the blue thought, hmm, bit bored, I know what I'll do and that is to find a blogging program and venture into the land of online journals.

Handy for those people who want to find out what Im upto now and again. For those who don't have a clue who I am, my name is Clyde Radcliffe and im in a demo group / special effects team called Gravity.

Im not going to be populating this thang every single day, but hope to keep it upto date with stuff that I find the nosey parkers out there might find a little interesting.

Ok, thats enough introductory waffle.

Take it easy and respect,