Friday, 13 March 2009

Break Down

A short update,

After looking at the breakpoint '09 site on untergrund, it looks as if there's no category for PC Intro. :(

Unless they have other competition categories at the actual event.

All they have listed under PC is: 4k Intro, 64k Intro and PC Demo.

I am lacking in knowledge of even tackling a traditional asm ( assembler ) tiny prod as thats what I think they need to be for those categories. I dont think that a 64k Freebasic production would be allowed. And Gravity hasn't really the time to make a full out Demo for BP09 at least.

However fiddling with me coding sticks, I am slowly but shirley putting together a new release in the form of probably another Intro.

Gravity were going to put out a production before Winter '08, but technicallities with our real live's had prevented it being completed, however it will be remixed and all that jazz for sometime this side of 2009.

Hmmm, what should of been a short one, has turned into a bit more of an update, hehe :)

Take it easy,

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